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What are your favorite underrated productivity tools or apps?

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DailyHabits ✅ dailyhabits.xyz
Sammy James
I don't know how under or over rated they are but I have been working on new product and dashboard designs for our new application and I use Bubbles a lot for explaining UI changes etc to dev team. Also love Go Full Page for creating 1 long page of any website page I need to mark up using Preview on my mac. And I use Pocket everyday to save anything I want to find later and Notes on my iphone to capture ideas. Also utilize Adobe CS and Google Drive, Docs, Calendar, etc and now Google Meet because I am so 'Zoomed out. We use Around for our company stand up meetings. I work out of my inbox for the most part and use Spark mail. LinkedIn is handy for finding some people I want to meet. But mostly it's a distraction to constantly swat away the flurry of solicitations I get every minute. And now experimenting with Bing's AI and Chat GPT 4 among others for search and copywriting. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention my own app - Leverly (formerly Speak2Leads) to receive an instant phone call when a new inbound lead arrives via a web form. It's by far the most productive! When we finish up the rebuild, dashboards and branding, etc When we are ready to release it in a few weeks I may launch it here on Product Hunt! With that said here are the apps I mentioned above: Bubbles Go Full Page Pocket Notes Adobe CS Google Work Space Spark Mail LinkedIn Around Bing AI Chat Various AI writing tools Leverly (formerly Speak2Leads)
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@sammy_james1 Wow, thanks for sharing all of these productivity tools and apps with me! It sounds like you have a lot of experience with various tools and are always looking for new ones to try. I'm particularly intrigued by your use of Bubbles for UI design explanations as a designer. I'm also glad to see that you're experimenting with various AI tools, including Chat GPT 4, for search and copywriting. Overall, it seems like you have a well-rounded set of tools that help you stay organized, capture ideas, and communicate with your team efficiently. Thanks for sharing your insights!