Naime Yel

What are the strategies to reduce meeting frequency and length?


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Alexander Johann Eser
Hey guys, we are actually developing a solution for exactly that problem. Please check - We are launching our MVP soon and if you want to be one of the first users to try it out, please contact me at
Alexander Johann Eser
@naime_yel are you in :)?
Daniel Hunt
Personally my rules are that a meeting should: * Require an agenda that is shared ahead of time * Should have someone appointed to run it With those two conditions met, everyone can know what the meeting is going to be about and it should be hard for it to spiral into loads of unimportant random topics In terms of frequency I'm less sure - I think it has to be culturally driven but I'm never quite sure what the ideal balance is.
Ірина Прокопів
@daniel_hunt4 100% and as per the frequency, I'd suggest focusing on building processes and culture so people don't need to be guided/supervised/advised too often
Ivan Dudin
Keep small talk to no more than 5 minutes. Speak only on the point and stop colleagues who are engrossed. Start changes with yourself and set an example for others. Do not invite unnecessary people to the meeting.
Saravanan P
I personally use screen and webcam recording tools like Vmaker. Instead of meetings, I can send screen recording videos for feedback and any other workplace communications with my teams and clients. It saves a ton of time too.