I'm currently using Google Keep for taking notes.
I have tried Evernote in the past but never really committed fully to it.
What note-taking apps do you usually use?
Anyone working on a note-taking app?
@eve_rad I am mostly generating notes on desktop using their chrome plugin, and then accessing them on the phone. So our workflow may be a bit different, but I would recommend you to try
Whatsapp. It is the most used app by me daily for other purposes, I then realized my notes should be somewhere around it. So what I did is created a group with my mom on whatsapp and immediately removed her, by this I am the only one who is left in that group. As I've pinned it on the top, it effortlessly appears to me when I open the app for any purpose, and by this way, I have a handy note for my To-do list, daily tasks, notes, and also my grocery/shopping list. I share media, links, documents that I should go through by the end of the day/week and segregate the important things by the star messages feature, also the search feature helps me to access it much faster.
Easy-Peasy ;)
@urvi_patel312 well, that's interesting. I use Whatsapp every day but haven't thought to use it as a note-taking app. Don't you get lost in your notes at some point?
@eve_rad Yeah I know, even I was as amazed as you are now.
I use the search feature if I need anything from the past notes. But mostly I don't have to as I have a habit to make a fresh list for the next day before going to bed every night, that prepares me with the mindset for the next day. And sometimes I do that task before even looking at the list. It has helped me in a good way so far. Hope you get best out of it :]
As a developer I'm used to gist.github.com for technical note taking, it supports markdown and all kind of syntax highlighting. Also if you've got CSV data it shows up really nicely with filters, etc
I've used OneNote in the past (back then on windows + mobile) and it was quite useful and manageble, but linux support with it (as expected) is on the same level.
At the moment my favorite tool for note taking is Notion (https://notion.so/) as it supports embeding of external sources.
For long organised notes: Apple Notes and UpNote. Simple and beautiful apps. Notes got #tags :)
For quick daily notes, like screenshots, vocabulary, names, links, book titles and lots of small things I need to note down instantly I use SideNotes. No need to move or resize it because it sticks to the screen side, so I can see other apps while taking notes. Then I move some details to UpNote or Notes.
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