Building in public involves sharing your work and process with others, whether through social media, blog posts, or public updates. Do you think it has benefits for your process? Are you building your product in public?
Well, it has benefits for you when it comes to transparency and people being n board with what you are doing.
But even more than that you bring value to those who see oyu and build around you. You truly bring value to a community.
Whenever I've seen someone helping others including sharing an awesome tutorial about his expertise or his work process, I've noticed that they had benefited much more.
As far as I've seen, the benefits were mostly audience growth, customer relationships, engagement, and more.
Building in public can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, investors, and partners by demonstrating transparency and accountability.
Building in public can help to create a sense of momentum and progress, as you can celebrate small wins and milestones along the way, which can help to motivate you and your team.