Launching @HaveNeed next month. We're making the barter marketplace for goods & services available to charitable orgs gratis when their members transact within their respective private groups. When they transact in the public network they will be treated as regular users (i.e. pay transactional barter fees). We view this as both a way to deliver impact at scale while also being an efficient customer acquisition strategy. Launching next month so time will tell if this strategy works.
When the sector is small (or too “niche”) it is unlikely that a lot of suppliers will sign up for your marketplace. This is because all the buyers know the suppliers personally and, therefore, will not need you.
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At first, I myself wanted to create a trading platform for a very long time doing it and nothing came of it. Friends advised me to find professionals. I searched for a long time and found the website I wrote to them and they created a very cool trading platform for me. Which paid off in a month. I recommend that you immediately contact them so that you do not lose your money.