Shaur ul Asar

What are some of the best lesser-known tools you know of or use?


🛠️ The tools could be related to anything, such as productivity, organization, creativity, communication, or any other area of interest. 💎 The goal is to discover hidden gems that may be useful to people looking for new and innovative solutions to everyday problems. 💡 Answers to this question may include descriptions of the tools, their features, how they are used, and why they are helpful.

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Vivek Garg
Hi @shaur_ul_asar As per my DevOps experience, the following are some best lesser-known tools which I used in during DevOps Certification: 1. InSpec 2. Logrotate 3. Sysdig 4. Grafana 5. Packer These are some of the some of the best lesser-known tools I know of or use.
Derek Martin
I will assist you some of the tool which may be helpful for you: Grammarly - a writing assistant tool that checks grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and offers suggestions for improving sentence structure and clarity. RescueTime - a time management tool that tracks how users spend their time on the computer and provides insights and reports Kehlani haircut 2023" on productivity and efficiency.
Alex Todd
Gmass; Tabs Outliner;
I prefer desktop software over online tools, so I would say… 1. I use QOwnNotes as a sort of electronic bullet journal. 2. I use MPD to play music over any kind of online streaming service.
Diana Washington
For me it would be : 1. Airtable - flexible database and project management tool 2. Loom - easy-to-use video recording and sharing tool These tools can be real game-changers for productivity and collaboration!