Aaron O'Leary

What are 3 products that make your day to day life easier?

For me it would be Tidal, music helps me concentrate on work and get my tasks done, Phillips smart hue lightbulbs a complete mood changer and my Le Creuset casserole dish, can prep a beautiful dinner and just let it simmer for a few hours while I work

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Billy Armstrong
That`s such a great topic to disscuss, especially nowadays. I`m sure about a few hundred years ago the list of those things, that make your life easier from day to day included such things like, you know, horses or cows, or the pickaxe and so on. Nowadays there is a lot of things people do that got diversificated a lot. Like, you know, some people are still working with horses or cows, but another part is getting paid for doing more intelectual jobs, like, you know, IT for example. Personally for me those 3 things would be: 1. My laptop, that`s for sure. I can`t imagine my life without that. It helps me with work, it helps me relax after work. It is one of my greatest friends 2. YT music. World without music sucks. That`s really hard to me to live without a soundtrack of my life 3. Monetary system. Just take a while to imagine we still only do the trading operations to get something, like tomatoes to do a sallad for a dinner. I think it is the most underrated one, that people ever invented.
Chrome, Excel, Instagram
Olivier Tolédano
1/ Mobile phone 2/ Credit Card 3/ Shoes Do you agree?
Avital Trifsik
Grammarly, sheets and discord!!
Tanya Kapoor
For me, it is Coffee, Excel Sheet, and Notes! Coffee is truly a stress buster.
Ashley Abel
Here is the 3 things that helps me to start my day 1. Computer 2. Mobile 3. Bike
Kate Dalessi
hmmm.. laptop cooling pad, the oven, and that little tool that makes tiny holes in the eggs so that they don't explode while boiling:)
Tough really tough. Google, my microwave and my laptop :P
Maksym Astakhov
Telegram - all internet in one app, like Wechat in China Spotify - The best algorithm, which helps me to find new awesome music. Product Hunt - for hunting new ideas and inspiration
Kitchen utensils. Sanitary products. Miscellaneous goods.
Jamie Sprowl
Great topic! First three that come to mind: my Ember mug, sprinkler/drip line system, and my Google calendar (I would be a hot mess without putting my whole life on here).
Christian Lowe
1. Notion - I use it for pretty much everything from organizing my thoughts to running meetings and even for playing DnD with friends on the weekend. 2. Slack - I manage a remote-first team, and Slack is the primary medium we use to communicate with each other. I don't think our startup would function without it. 3. TikTok - Super-underrated platform for speaking to and engaging with users.
Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
Coffee machine, laptop and sunny weather... Nothing else matter
Andrew James Bagby
Asana is amazing for task management, airpods for noise cancellation when working in a coworking space or just a noise filled coffee shop (I use these all over not just working for the amazing noise cancellation), and of course some good running shoes
Marta Marchuk
@andrew_bagby is it possible to chat with you about your experience of using Asana? we are currently developing a product that is integrated with Asana
Marta Marchuk
@andrew_bagby how can i contact you personally?
Miles Fawcett
Obsidian, Google Home ("Ok Google, Turn Lights On, Furn Fan On" when I walk into my office), Logi MX Master 3 Mouse
Leyla Aliyeva
That will be my laptop, phone, and google:)))
Jimmy Spikes
Sugar, coffee, and preworkout
Dumitru Botezatu
Chrome, PhpStorm & Clickup.
Patrick Sullivan
newer stuff... i'm enjoying Arc browser (from thebrowser.company) and then craft (note taking app)
Lacey Kaelani
Superhuman, Discord, and coffee