Really internalize the fact that bad hires cost you 10x more than good hires. Even if the good hire has twice the sallary ;)
Spend as much time as you can in finding the right people.
"keep your company asshole free" :D
Not kidding, Iยดd be on an Island sipping on my G&T if I had known that 10 years ago...
@matej_cabadaj To be honest, I wish I did this better with docs that came through email. Ironically, I was better when docs were paper because I would scan them and put them in specific folders on my computer but things that came through email, I'd assume they'd be easy to find if I needed them later...
I wish someone had told me the importance of building a strong network from day one, Matej. Relationships are just as crucial as the product itself when it comes to long-term success.
Slow growth is ok. Just focus on building a really solid foundation. Make sure the product is sound, make sure customer service is good. and also focus more on organic traffic and seo.