Vlad Golub

Web3 is the future, or a scam, or both?

So what exactly is Web3 for you?

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Zorin Vlad
Web3 promises the potential of increased decentralization and trustless automation, but it's still in its early stages. It has a long way to go before we can confidently declare it the future, but it's also too early to write it off as a scam. Time will tell!
Vlad Golub
@zorinvlad I'm sure Web3 has plenty of potential! It might not be the future, but it's definitely too cool to write off!
Web 3 is undoubtedly the future of the internet, we could be looking at the rise of new social platforms, search engines, and marketplaces built and owned by the collective, rather than by a corporation.
Vlad Golub
@stepan_cherkasov Web 3 is going to be a real game-changer. All of us owning and sharing the internet together - imagine the possibilities! 🤩
It’s hard to define web3 in the current state it’s in. Most web3 applications are built using web2 tools and software. I don’t think we truly reached web3 yet, but will do in the next couple of years (2030). As it stands now, I would say 90% of web3 startups are falsely marketing themselves, but I wouldn’t call them scams either. The same goes for AI hype nowadays.
Vlad Golub
@timcha Haha, yeah it definitely looks like we've got a long way to go before true web3 arrives. But hey, it's the journey that counts right? Let's keep pushing and making progress!
Blockchain devs don't want to be Web3 scammers, but they also don't want to miss out on the future, lol
Mehmet Avcı
Web3 is no doubt the future of the digital world. I think AI and blockchain will merge in the future.
Yasmin Atkinson
Web3's a mixed bag, It's got potential for sure, but there's also a side order of hype and scams.
Vlad Golub
@yasmininson Ah yeah, Web3 can be a wild ride! But if we stay cautious and keep our eyes out for the scams, we can still reach the stars 🚀
Web2 is reaching its peak with AI, so Web3 is inevitable.
Vlad Golub
Web3 is neither a scam nor the future, but an enabler of the future. It allows us to leverage the power of decentralization to create new, innovative applications that were previously impossible. With the right creativity, imagination and effort, Web3 has the potential to create a whole new world.