Ruben Boonzaaijer

We launched this week, these are the results!

Placement: 4th with 300+ upvotes currently 80+ users Several paying users as well

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Samantha Tan
πŸŽ‰ Congrats , Ruben! That is huge! Your hard work is really paying off ! πŸŽ‰
Nemanja Zunic
Hi Ruben, congrats! We're gearing up to launch IdeaBuddy on Product Hunt soon. I'd love to hear your opinion on whether it's worth the hassle, cause I've heard different stories from founders. What do you think?
Maurizio Isendoorn
@nemanja_zunic2 Ruben and I can only speak for ourselves, and it was certainly worth it for us. Even all our personal social accounts had a big spike and our follower network grew by 30-50% in one day. Website backlinks went from 20 to 198 in a few days. Now, 2 days after the launch we still get lots of users from Product Hunt.
Nemanja Zunic
@maurizioisendoorn Thanks for the answer, Maurizio. Good luck with the future plans, and let's stay in touch!
Vitor Seabra
Amazing Ruben! Congratulations! This is what I explained to my peers: Product of the day badge is a consequence of being displayed on the first fold of PH's main page. It increases visibility and fosters sign ups and subscriptions. These are the real important metrics. By the way we are about to launch soon! Feel free to get notified when Pluga's get released here:
Marienelle Cano
Wow! congratulations! I visited your product and wow! You have the coolest AI equipped system. Smart usage of AI! Good Job! I once became a CS employee and I can relate with the mental stressors I got on that job because of the chances to get a talk with a KAREN! ahahah I hope to get a number of upvotes like that when it is launched .. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί