Check out for me!
A month back I was reading through the comments on @basv's post, "6 ways to improve your landing page" and found one from @ed_forson promoting I applied steps 1-5 and wanted to see what people thought before moving forward with steps 6-10.
Hey - content looks good - great to get the video straight into the banner.
My feedback is purely UI/UX:
* I think centering the video element in the remaining space is better than flex-end - on a larger screen there's a massive gap between your header and the vid.
* Check your breakpoints - the video wraps into next line too early - eg at 1400px wide there's still plenty of space to have them alongside each other.
* For the testimonials - I don't like #FFF on an #FFF background; even a small difference to those card background colours would be an improvement - but consider being even bolder with the styling - i.e. colour, font size differences, more generous spacing. You could always use (...) and read more for longer content? Consider bolding some of the best phrases in each testimonial.
* At widescreen there's currently only 3 testimonials per row, when you easily have space for 4.
* At 800px you're still giving all elements margin, when you should probably have already flipped to full width (like you do at 600px) - you also have 2 elements per row in the testimonials, when there's only space for 1.
* Generally, I think this is pretty good - and just requires some styling to fix.
@matt_harbord thnx matt, centering the video in the remaining space makes sense. Seems like the page should accommodate larger screens better and that I can add more reviews 😄. Thoughts on the coming soon buttons and having additional CTAs?
@psd If I understand correctly you're only CTA is to get people to the app store? In which case, other than pumping up the size of those buttons I think you're good!
here's some tips too
1. Share it with your target audience: Get the word out to your niche audience about the revised landing page by promoting it in various virtual settings. Solicit comments and recommendations for additional enhancements.
2.Gather feedback from beta testers: Have your product's beta users go at the new landing page and give you some comments. They might provide fresh perspectives or useful advice.
3. Use user testing tools: You can put your landing page to the test and get feedback from actual people by using one of the many online user testing tools., UsabilityHub, and Hotjar are three of the most well-known choices.
4. Reach out to experts: Make use of your network and the networks of those you know to solicit advice on the landing page's design and effectiveness from industry professionals and specialists in the fields of design and marketing. They might offer helpful feedback or ideas for enhancement.
To develop a landing page that successfully conveys the value proposition of your product and creates conversions, it is important to collect feedback from a wide range of sources in order to discover areas for improvement and make the required modifications.
@monoshitsu1974 thnx Dale, I’ve heard of and will look into the other two. My biggest challenge right now is getting responses when I reach out. Only 6% of users actually open their email, for example. What tools are there for 1, 2, and 4?