Garen Orchyan

Top 10 Networking Tips

1. Build your network in advance. 2. The best way to establish a connection is to start with assistance 3. Never ask for anything immediately after just making a connection with someone 4. Formulate your request succinctly and clearly 5. Be the one who offers help first. 6. Be polite 7. Don't ask for more than they can give 8. Give more than you ask 9. Be always grateful 10. Don't be afraid to ask questions If we haven't connected yet, let's connect LinkedIn - X -

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Ahmer Saud
Give more than you ask!! such a valuable piece of advice.
thanks for ur tips Garen !
Ted Schaefer
this is a great list! also, connections don't have to be quid pro quo - i'd argue the best ones aren't. simply engaging regularly is a great habit to get into.