G. M. Mehdi

Today I learned


The process of entrepreneurship is a consistent battle of learning new skills and mastering old ones. As a marketing professional with over 10 years in the business, I still get surprised at the speed with which the world is changing and our behaviors and patterns with it. So dear PH community, here is my question. What did you learn this week? This month? This year? Consistent life-long learners are some of the best innovators, thinkers, and creators. Let's inspire learning and growth!

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Chrystal Cienfuegos
More people believe in me than I thought. Before today, I thought it was just my family and best friends. :)
Chen Friedman
Hey, Mehdi, Awesome question which I interestingly have an answer I realized just recently. It's not a new thing, but I'm just starting to see the impact - making few changes in my daily routing, but in a steady rhythm. Trying to get to that "I am a new person" point in too little time just doesn't work. But little changes everyday make the whole difference. Indeed consistency is the key.
G. M. Mehdi
@chen_friedman Wow Chen, that's so true! Little changes over time have the biggest impact for sure.
Bhavna Singh
@chen_friedman @susan_harris_scott I remember the old saying which goes like this β€œDrop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.” Learning is the continuous process and we shall abide to it for our own prospering as well as the people around us.
Brian Regan
Public, written goals are important for the short, medium and long term. I've known this for a while, but the importance is re-learned or re-enforced on a consistent basis :)
G. M. Mehdi
@brian_regan Thanks Brian. Curious about what are your thoughts on folks saying we should build in private, work in silence and not share our goals until it's the right time?
Brian Regan
@g_m_mehdi Its all about communication, not boasting :) For me its a show of respect to the people I'm working with. I want them to know what I'm working towards, where I'm blocked/falling short, and how my goals contribute to the direction of the company. If you're always hitting your goals, they you aren't setting the right goals.
Iya Mendoza
@brian_regan I remember this one piece of advice I've heard several years back. "Work on short-term goals to reach the long-term goals."
Andy Walraven
That I need to constantly keep learning and be okay with that fact that I'll never know everything, and that's what the team you build around you is for.
Iya Mendoza
@ac_walraven This is a great one. Sometimes, we feel like it's a better idea to learn and do everything, but it will definitely take a toll on us. It may bring more negative impact than positive ones. So I definitely agree, delegating tasks is a realistic outlook in life.
G. M. Mehdi
@ac_walraven @iyamendoza01 As a learning enthusiast, I've been in that place. Wanting to learn everything myself. This helped a lot in the beginning but I now realise it's better to stick to your strengths and hire the rest of the team, then trying to switch roles and doing everything yourself.
Susan Harris Scott
Producthunt's community has the best people I ever seen !!!
Avi 🀝
that upvotes are only part of the story πŸ˜€
Maya Ben Zid
I'm adapting to a different work environment (have recently move to a different country) and there's a lot to learn. Right now I'm figuring out helpful routines for staying productive in a new place.
Amelia Charlie
TIL that Brazil sent the athletes on a ship full of coffee because they could not afford to send a team to the 1932 Olympics. The athletes sold the coffee along the way to pay for their travel.
G. M. Mehdi
@amelia_charlie WOW! We've come a long way now but that is not to say that people don't have to go through extremes to fulfil their dreams!
Inam from Outgrow
This week, Optimization in my projects.
G. M. Mehdi
@inam_from_outgrow Good luck Inam. What are you optimising this week?
Muaaz Ahmed
I started my first job back in February and I have learned the perks of teamwork.
Dylan Merideth
How gumroad, templates, community builds, API availability made Notion a giant
G. M. Mehdi
@dylan_merideth Interesting. Care to share this learning in detail?
Yesser Falk
The most significant learning for me is, that learning is a never-ending process. It seems life is more about the process of learning and less about reaching the goal.
Mack John
I completed my project, Go and check it out