Ted Schaefer

There is SO MUCH TO DO on launch day!


I previously launched a side project, Albert, and I was completely unprepared. I wasn't really engaged with the community, so launch day was kind of... uneventful. Boring, and of course, unsuccessful. I'm COMPLETELY overwhelmed today - I don't know if it's the caffeine or regular old brain chemicals. Talking with people in comments and discussions, posting on Twitter and LinkedIn, and most of all, obsessively refreshing. I was worried about lack of sleep but I don't think I'd be able to sleep anyway. Back to posting - and please check out StudyWise. Feedback is my top priority right now, so I'll be watching our comments like a hawk! Or... perhaps an owl 🦉 is more appropriate: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/studywise If anyone has launch advice, I'd love to hear it!

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Congrats on your launch
Ted Schaefer
I gotta say, it's so gratifying to see upvotes trickle in from familiar faces. Thanks guys 🥰
I did lot of research and spent lot of time on product hunt and I think the best advice I can give is to have a good team so u can reach more people. so if u don't have a team you will need some friends on product hunt to help u the day of ur launch !
@ipaparazzo_app how do you split up activities as a team? What things should be priortized?
Ted Schaefer
@ipaparazzo_app Thanks Loane! Got support from my friends this time around but I definitely see where you're coming from - it's a lot to keep up with!
JD Worcester
@ipaparazzo_app Looking to make some friends and connect with new people on PH, what's the best way to do that?
Sorry I missed your launch day Ted! I saw it just now and gave support to StudyWise.
@sixbangs Launching is a big deal, and I'm super disappointed in missing yours. Would've loved to be there to support your launch properly. Do you plan to launch again?
Ted Schaefer
@jgani Yup I get it, and thank you so much. Yeah I'll definitely do another launch, probably when we add voice conversations - hopefully we get featured the second time around 😄
@sixbangs I also didn't get featured. My advice: in the first 15 minutes try and establish if you are featured or not. If not, email Product Hunt immediately. If your launch is legit their support staff will fix it for you.
Sandra Djajic
Yes, there are so many things to take care of before the launch, but I know for the fact, that if you put effort and do the best you can, it will absolutely pay off in the day of launch! I wish you the best of luck with your launch!
Samantha Tan
Hey congrats @tedschaefer on your launch! Seems like the late all nighter was definitely worth it! Feeling super nervous about our first launch in a couple weeks so all these suggestions really help! ❤️
Jose Garrido
How did you organize all the tasks for launch day? I launch next week and still doing prep work!
Ted Schaefer
@josej30 Haha, uhh... wait, am I supposed to organize this thing?? Nah I'm doing it the way I always do: massive Markdown to-do list 😉
Darcy Andrews
Thanks guys
Egon Tyrell
congrats on your launch
Asmitha Rathis
Congrats on your launch!!
Let's go Ted! Threw you an upvote
Agreed! I am launching my product soon and in my to do list, there are bunch of things still waiting me to do😁
JD Worcester
Congrats on your launch! Thanks for posting this, great to hear everyone's advice.
Congrats on the launch mate, it looks great. Upvote from me!