Jao Japitana

The weekend's peeking, what are your plans?

For me, it's still a whole lot of work. But a movie treat after. What's yours?

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Eliza Crescini
Work and a lot of sleep after.
review my stock performance and write an discussion about my insight!
@jao_japitana I invest about AI lol I am that kind of guy who like all in when believe it can make it.
angel william
Its a Wedding week
Sleep 😴😴
Jessica Herman
This week is a rest week
Judith Clary
this weekend is a launch day so no fun only work
Rodney J. Belcher
Work Work and Work
Work and a little more work, but hopefully some decent weather to get some things done outside and then just hang out at home. Weekend's are never long enough, no matter how many lists and time-hacks I can structure lol.
Simon Rosner
Simple activity and friends togather
Lakshya Singh
Spend more time on PH Community and work on our product launch. But its a festive season in India, so will chill in the evening on Sunday.