This post should of existed a while ago. When I would Google "worst SaaS landing pages", I would get nothing but the best of everything when researching this stuff, because it should exist considering how big the industry is, nope. This list is as good as it gets as theres nothing else.
Why? It is way too busy on first approach and design is dated
Why? The design is dated and dated design is a landing pages enemy. Its one thing for your lets say personal site to look bad, but this is for marketing and SEO, not for what you totally want it to be.
Why? Despite being a good software, it lacks a good up to date looking landing page. I hade a massive arguement about it here with a bunch of f*ckers who of couse have to also own software products (some of them) and force a landing page change: Thats the bad side of business, any sane person would admit how bad the landing page really is.
Why? looks fine, until you scroll to bottom and see clip art, but bad clip art. Just click it and you'll see how tiny those heads are on those people, and if you don't notice, your not fully examing the design.
Why? Its terrible just even looking at it. looks like its never been redsigned and the software experience its self its terrible too.