Mahtab Mofidi

The Future of Schools in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: What's Your Take?


With the rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence, there's no doubt it will play a significant role in shaping various sectors, including education. How do you envision AI impacting future schools? Do you see it as a tool for personalized learning, an assistant to teachers, or perhaps something entirely different? Keen to hear your thoughts and predictions!

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Sarah Ali
AI tools are useful for helping students in not only homework, but also for studying for tests, exams, quizzes and even simply understanding classwork that the student wasn't able to understand in class. Teachers may start using AI as assistants as well and the whole system might change, as there might start to be tasks and assignments that students cannot answer by asking AI to generate the answer, but will only be able to use it for research.
I think it like coins have both pros and cons in every area, take homework for example. pros:consuming works will be easier and it will be easier to find literatures when cons:Student may rely on those AI tool too much
Jessica Liu
I think AI will be a great learning assistance tool. More and more schools are now accepting and encouraging students to learn AI, allowing them to use AI reasonably well to assist them in their homework and some in-class exercises. AI is inevitably going to be a significant part of our lives in the future, which is why schools are now teaching students relevant knowledge. This way, students will not only know how to use AI tools but also understand the underlying logic of AI, enabling them to grasp current and future trends. However, some students may become overly dependent on AI. During their student years, they should focus more on acquiring knowledge rather than just completing tasks assigned by teachers. Consequently, some students might use AI to finish all their assignments and skip the learning aspect. This is something we need to be aware of. Overall, I think the advantages of using AI for students outweigh the disadvantages.
Igor Lysenko
There is nothing wrong if students use artificial intelligence, the main thing is that children do not develop with the help of a machine, they need to be quite smart themselves and use AI as a tool
Mahtab Mofidi
@ixord it's not just about homework. The whole experience of schooling. Right now our schools are not near ready for the world we are in.
Brian Hurst
I think AI has the capacity to both help and hinder when it comes to education. I know that teachers have already begun to reshape the way they teach due to the impact of AI. A while back, I heard about a middle school English teacher in the US who completely reshaped the way she taught English. She used to do reading during class and assign writing homework outside of class, but enough students were abusing ChatGPT and submitting AI generated papers that she flipped her classroom to where she assigned reading outside of class, and all writing was done by hand during class time. I think AI can be a useful tool to increase the productivity of teachers and help students learn in creative ways, but it is also easy for students to abuse and, therefore, not learn at all. There's a fine balance, and I am eager to see what that balance becomes in the future.
Hiresh Bremanand
I think education is one place where it will take longer to reap the benefits of AI. This is because the educational system is always slow to change and adopt new technologies. For example, one of the greatest tools built by mankind was the smartphone and yet there are many schools that block you from using phones in classrooms as it could be a 'distraction'. There will be a whole lot of regulations in place to keep the current educational system reliable but it won't last, AI will be too powerful to ignore.
Jacob Fox
I think that AI can improve education in general, not only at schools but also in universities. There is nothing bad in using technologies, only if they are not used for cheating and so on. But in general, I think that the educational process is better now because we don't only have different tools from AI but also other resources that make studies better. For example, I have to write a lot, and I can always find something useful and related online. For example, on Monday, I found this page, which helped me with nursing capstone project because I was stuck with choosing a topic, but after reading the provided info, I managed to do it very fast. So, I can only support such educational transformations as long as they have a positive impact.
Antonio Ricca
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