Shitiz Dogra

The Best Nap Ever!


How long does it take for you to fall asleep when you hit the bed? Do you practice anything or have a routine to induce sleep?

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Girish Bindal
I have a tough time getting into my sleep zone. I think my biggest problem is my mind keeps thinking about random stuff. I tried listening to some melodies and sounds and force myself to follow the music. This is the only thing that has worked for me.
Anastasiia Iskovych
When I'm lying on my stomach, it's super quick, but I know it harms my neck. I try to change this habit, but it takes ages to fall asleep in any other position ;(
Youri Nelson
@nastia_iskovych I never could do that, on the stomach my neck can't take it. That and people that can fall asleep anywhere fascinates me ahaha
Girish Bindal
@nastia_iskovych @youreka I envy them! I cant understand how people are able to sleep in moving cars!
Shitiz Dogra
@nastia_iskovych Have you tried any variations of breathing or mindfulness exercises?
Shitiz Dogra
@nastia_iskovych @youreka @girish_bindal I carry pillows with me if I've to take a nap in the car. Hugging a fluffy object helps in moving cars :)
Shitiz Dogra
@nastia_iskovych @youreka There's an adage in India, that to sleep you need "sleep" not a place. And of course to get quality sleep, your body and mind need to reach exhaustion points where they relax and calm down for good.
Youri Nelson
Melatonine supplement when I really can't sleep. I am also a fan of power naps, prop your legs up on a chair and take a 15min nap and I am a new man! ahahah
Shitiz Dogra
@youreka Thanks for sharing Youri. So this supplement is like a daily thingy you consume or on occasions when you cannot sleep?