In general, it would be useful to be able to identify the work as the work and talent of a person and not AI. So I think yes, but it is strange that humanity has come to this. Although there is a lot of art, both street and graffiti, that does not require such verification now, the authenticity of which you are sure. I have read about many on which are very cool right now
@amandatrincher love the webpage. You actually made me think o a very Sci-fi but actually very doable thing. I thought of Automated Graffiti-making drones, sounds like something bansky would do. I think, this idea of a brand or seal of approval of man-made art is something that art collectives should be thinking about right now. I'd be happy to dedidate spare time for something like this.
Yeah, i understand that's the biggest issue, so i'm guessing thats what we would have to solve, i'm thinking about a program that audits or makes sure that there are human designers working directly in every company, they might be using some sort of AI to help in their work, but behind the scenes they are orchestrating how to use the tools.