Some statistics on the last two months of product hunt 🤖
Total of top 3 upvotes per day on July and August :
July August
Mo - 11892 8217
Tu - 9854 12570
We - 9579 12687
Th - 7321 10366
Fr - 8398 6448
Sa - 5659 4527
Su. - 7174 7114
There were 5 Mondays in July, hence the high number of upvotes on this day. More generally, Tuesday and Wednesday are the most popular days.
Average top 1 per day in July and August :
July August
Mo 962,4 900,75
Tu 987 1028,8
We 1109,5 1060,8
Th 717,25 874,4
Fr 815,75 695,5
Sa 500,8 506
Su 674,2 777,5
Interesting data that can give you a target depending on the day of your launch. Obviously, July and August are often weaker than the other months of the year.
Total number of launches per day over the month :
Jul. Aug.
Mo 203 144
Tu 224 312
We 212 306
Th 233 278
Fr 221 163
Sa 126 155
Su 162 118
The days with the most launches are also the days with the most votes. Logic :)
I hope you find this information useful.
We're preparing our launch for September, so don't hesitate to follow me or add me on Linkedin so we can support each other.
Let's talk about it in comment ⬇