Jitesh â­•

Simple Text email 📧 Vs Designer HTML Email🎨. Which one converts better?

I have read on some marketing websites that simple text emails have a higher personal touch. I have been using simple emails for the last 2-3 months and the results have been good. However, as a designer, I couldn't resist the urge to beautify the plain-looking simple text emails. So, I designed an email template with an auto layout in Figma and then converted it to HTML using a plugin. I manually polished it by adjusting the CSS a little bit as the plugin's output was not perfect. Finally, I replaced the simple text email with this HTML design. Now, I am testing it. What are your thoughts on it? Should I stick with simple text emails or use HTML?

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Jorge Ferreiro
hey Jitesh. We've sent millions of emails on ZooTools, and I can tell you this is a tricky question and I totally feel you on this! my TL;DR, for your onboarding sequences and welcome messages ALWAYS use text-plain emails. Sending text plain emails for new users is one my fav hacks that I recommend to every client! This will both feel like you are actually sending them (most likely place your emails in "primary inbox" and avoid triggering spam filters since no complex HTML) and on top, if you are strategic on the email content and subject, you can easily boost up engagement metrics like replies, and CTR which will help to improve email deliverability. I suggest making these emails feel like you're manually sending them over and also asking questions/opening up the conversation about their business, struggles, feedback, etc. Based on our customer data, if you customize emails with personalization and merge tags, you can increase open rates and engagement from 15-35% depending on the industry and type of email. as for whether you should never send highly designed emails. It should be more of a brand preference IMO. Of course, it's well known that spam filters look up for things like "ratio of images vs. text", "engagement metrics", your deliverability reputation, past campaigns, or if your HTML is complex (among other things like your domain verification, security, spammy words, etc). However, most of the time if you make your HTML templates simple and the email content is relevant to your audience you should be good! of course, if your brand is like Nike or Apple, sending text plain emails would actually feel like a scam, so that's something else to take into account in case you are further interested in learning more about email deliverability (which I'm so passionate) i'd recommend reading this guide I wrote with 17 tips: https://zootools.co/learn/tips-i... Hope it's helpful! send me any questions over.
Artyom Sviridov
In my opinion, it really depends on the brand and marketing strategy as a whole. Some stick to more simplified emails, while others prefer crafting something much more detailed and gorgeous overall. Try both (as you already do) and see what works best. Good luck!
Speaking as a user, it really varies, especially depending on where the user is in the email sequence and the sector. In the ecommerce world, everyone expects emails packed with rich designs while for products showcased on Product Hunt, I anticipate plain text. Take a look at what others in your niche are doing.
I think is desinger HTML email, cuz it can attract people's attention
Jake Harrison
I like simple text email