Hey guys!
Would love to know your preferences. If a mobile app required you to sign in - would you prefer to do it via email or phone number? Just want to understand the pros and cons of each!
In my home country a service carrier can actually sell your phone number to another person meaning that every single service attached to it automatically goes to the new phone number owner. No joke! I've actually experienced that change once! But that's rather an exception I would say. So, yes, emails are better - IMHO :)
I always prefer email. Somehow my phone number feels a lot more personal and as I have more than one email address, I can easily decide which one to use depending on importance of the product/service.
I would prefer phone number as it's convenient to the user. There are other options as well to sign in like password-less and OTP-less authentication instead of FB or Google login.
It depends on what the application use-case. For instance an app for payments, I would prefer phone number but for an educational, social, productivity or news app I would prefer email.
During the sign up process if I'm presented with a screen that requires my phone number and no other option then I will close out the app. If it's an email option I'm much more likely to use the app because I can use a spam account and or any of my other emails.