Hunt by yourself but make connections to get guidance. There are many experienced community members with whom you can connect. It is a vibrant community willing to answer any questions that you might have.
Nowadays, Hunter's followers won't get notifications when your product goes live. So, if you want a hunter for the sake of upvotes, you don't need a hunter.
But, having a hunter will help you
1. Build credibility for your product: Since hunters are active for a long time on product hunt, if anyone checks the product is hunted by them, they will most likely check out the product.
2. Planning Product Hunt launch: Hunters know a lot of ins and outs in product hunt launches. they can help you with from generating buzz to creating product hunt assets.
So, if you want a hunter for any of the 2 reasons above, you should get a hunter.
@karthik_tatikonda@alvarovillalb_ No, I do too. I keep seeing people advice against having people hunting your product because of this reasoning but I get notifications all the time. But with that said, we did launch ourselves. :D
@karthik_tatikonda@alvarovillalb_@heleana My understanding is that previously, you would get an email notification when a hunter you follow hunted someone.
Now days you just get a notification on product hunt so its less effective, but it still for sure makes a difference.
For those planning their launch, here's some advice:
Hunt yourself versus orchestrating the hunt via a hunter.
If you wish to really leverage the role of the hunter, get a hunter that offers at least one or more of these:
— Product Feedback
— Novel Launch Tips
— Shares launch on their social and community or create a Discussion Post on PH
— Makes a genuine endorsement of the product in a category they have some expertise in
There's no guarantee of the notifications. Especially from accounts of those hunters who are hunting hundreds of products their followers are not checking every notification from them.
I am a Hunter. I have hunted ~60 products this year. If anyone would like my help, feel free to reach out. :)
@kackiel unfortunately not, I spent a bit of time looking, but I couldn't find a number anywhere.
I were to make a guess from the way people on the forums talk though, I would think it's less than 10%
This is something I've struggled to answer. Myself and @gusoliveira_ have gone back and fourth on the best strategy for this and still don't have a concrete resolution.
Both work fine if you are confident in your product. I hunted my first product yesterday on my own, it was a journey of 24 hours full of different emotions, a rollercoaster ride. Enjoy it. :)
We're hunting ourselves. For us, besides not knowing how to begin finding a Hunter to hunt our product, I think there's a lot of pride around hunting and launching our own product on our own timeline.
Honestly speaking, I got the same question as you before I hunt the product. Should I do it myself or find those who have golden medal icon do this for me. And then I ask myself why not?So I just do it myself.
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