
Share your website and how you made it


I'm wondering how everyone made their websites. SITE: share your website TOOLS: what tools do you use to build it TIME: how long you spent to build it CHALLENGE: What was your biggest challenge?

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Melissa Henderson
SITE: TOOLS: python, css, webflow TIME: 2+ months CHALLENGE: I am just a fraction of the team who worked on this, so my challenge was understanding all the tutorials from a non techie angle.
@apeworx Oh, that's nice. You had an entire team to work on your website, any idea why it took so long, even when you had a whole team for this.
Melissa Henderson
@brad_fusion All the graphics were hand drawn, nothing automated. We also have a software that is constantly being updated. Check out us out on Github!
Andy Walraven
SITE: TOOLS: Wordpress TIME: 2 days (For the foundation, but an always ever-evolving project) CHALLENGE: Messaging, and instant grasp of the product from the home page.
Andy Walraven
@brad_fusion Yes. TY. Exactly. It's our belief we should just share the news. Our comments/opinions/memes/rants are all the noise we need to remove in order to enjoy sharing the news again. Maybe we can't start being civil again while helping to inform one another on what's happening out in the world. Thanks again for the reply. Appreciated.
Maya Ben Zid
We recently redesigned the interface for All feedback is welcome and hugely appreciated. In our case, it was a custom website.
Saravana Rathinam
SITE: TOOLS: Typedream, Canva, AirTable TIME: ~ 1 week CHALLENGE: Making embedded content work well
Charles Myron
Site: Tools: WordPress Time: Within 2 days. Challenge: Understanding theme.
@charles_myron Wow, I am amazed. You overcame your challenge, understood the theme, and completed the website design in just two days. That's fantastic. Good luck, mate, with your future endeavors.
James Lehner
Site: Tools: Canva,WordPress Time: 6-7 days Challenge: Researching plugins.
@james_lehner Thank you for sharing. I love pottery, and now I have found your website, I believe it will help me learn more about it.
SITE: TOOLS: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Gumroad TIME: 2 days with breaks CHALLENGE: Getting the heading and SEO text right
Mack John
Hi All, I am a software developer, I also have a site created 14 years ago.
Mack John
Also check out my products
Sandra Djajic
Site: Tools: Webflow, Figma, and a lot of Googling for tutorials. Time: 2 weeks. Challenge: We built it in-house with little experience in making websites. Youtube tutorial videos definitely saved the day. :D
Susan Harris Scott
SITE: TOOLS: WordPress + gutenberg blocks TIME: I just started CHALLENGE: I want to create a website where overweight people can really find help to solve their problems (my sister was an obese too and I know how much those people are suffering). Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to dedicate to this project but I will do it for sure. I described my idea to some doctors and dieticians and I got their availability. I just have to find time to continue.
Jake Reynolds
SITE: TOOLS: NextJS, Tailwind, Postgres TIME: ~1 day to MVP CHALLENGE: Marketing, it's always marketing
Dan Draper
SITE: TOOLS: Next.js, Tailwind and Vercel TIME: A few days CHALLENGE: Adding form capture quickly with CAPTCHA and with responses sent to a sensible place!
Zoe Marais
SITE: TOOLS: Webflow / After Effects / Lottie / Illustrator TIME: It's been an ongoing process! Probably took a total of 6 hours to put the site together (excluding the time it took to create the graphics and other supporting assets) CHALLENGE: Messaging / writing effective copy
John Radford
SITE: Tools: Wordpress Time: 2 weeks We used WP to quickly understand our users and to validate the concept quickly.
Nathan Hobbs
SITE: TOOLS: wordpress TIME: 2 years CHALLENGE: understanding social icon tool
James parker
Hey whats up. I have also made a website related to a video editing app called Alight motion one of the best motion graphic app having multiple features. you can check my site:
Michael Harris Miller
SITE: https://www.howtolowercholestero... TOOLS: WordPress 6 + Kadence theme (free) + gutenberg blocks (free). TIME: 3 days CHALLENGE: creating a website dedicated to my brother who died because of a heart attack caused by too much fat in the arteries. The site will contain as much information as I can find to help people suffering from high cholesterol.
Irislane Facundo
Site: Tools: WordPress, Kadence Theme Time: Within 10 days. Challenge: Trying to make the best and easy to use interface for users.
Ervin T Crain
SITE: TOOLS: WordPress + kadence free theme + Gutenberg TIME: 1 month CHALLENGE: Providing users with the most accurate free information about lowering lipid in the blood. The site doesn't have ads or affiliate links. I'm working with a few doctors to create a more big project that will be totally free for anyone.
apk eats
SITE: TOOLS: wordpress TIME: 3 days CHALLENGE: understanding theme and flow