Paul Michaels

Share your πŸ™Œ best excuses for not going to exercise.


It's tough getting your head out of your overflowing to-do list, plus it seems like a waste to take time out of your precious work day to exercise! Please share the (mental gymnastics) excuses that your brain comes up with to excuse you from interrupting your work day. Funny, strange, and awesome excuses are appreciated!

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David Stirk
I just get up early and exercise, it feels better than making excuses not to.
Brittany Salas
For every excuse know there is up to one tree that can be preserved if you decide not to use it :)
Brittany Salas
@paul_d_michaels2 btw were launching today, we would be eternally grateful if you could check it out!
Elizabeth Obee
Ahhh - launching on Product Hunt! We're live today and I haven't moved for the last 15 hours πŸ˜…
Philip Snyder
"I'm too sore to workout" "I ate a large meal too recently"
Jade Mackenzie
I'm generally pretty good at sticking to my plans re: exercise & movement but I'm only human so, of course, there are times I come up with excuses.... generally things like: - I'm in the flow on this project, it'll be better to just stay focused - working through and being prepped for my upcoming meetings is more important - I'll just go tomorrow instead and make up for it then. - I need a rest day anyway.
Shon Paunan
I try to every chance I get. Walking is the best if you are limited of time and equipment