Hey everyone!
I recently just hit 115 users on my startup Affistash. We got around 80% of the users we have at the moment on our launch day, but we are getting around 10-15 users daily.
I am in a wired place at the moment, because we are getting lots of free signups, but not so many people upgrade to our pro version. I am not sure if there is anything we are doing wrong about it, but I would like to know your opinion about it to.
For now we used the following customer acquisition: Reddit posts, Comments on Social Media, LinkedIn groups and Twitter threads.
I am also trying to scale through influencer marketing, but I am just in the outreach phase at the moment.
Should I try to double down on what is currently bringing customers or should I try to look for other methods (blog placements, ads, SEO, etc.) that could bring a bigger amount of customers?
How could I try to convert the current users to paying customers?
I am looking forward to see what you guys think, because I'm really looking for some advice.
Thanks : )