Ghost Kitty

🚀 Product Launch 🧨 Which stage do you find most challenging?

We would love to hear your experiences! Also, don't forget that Contentrain is there to make managing your content simpler at every stage of your product's journey(ads ended here👼). Launching a product involves winning over various groups, from early fans to the mainstream public. 🗳️ Poll: Which stage do you find most challenging?

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Sebastian Varga
So this one is really interesting for me. When I started as a freelance consultant 12 years ago, it took me forever to get my first client. Now I'm trying to use the productize approach to remove my time constraint. Just done building the website and honestly feeling quite overwhelmed what to do next. Of course reaching out to old customers is probably a good start, I guess
Feyzan A.
I find "getting your product into the mainstream" more challenging, because once this stage is achieved, there will always be leavers and newcomers, and you won't need to worry about "keeping them" for the next stage, if you trust your product! :)
Ghost Kitty
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