
Product Hunt launches – Overrated or Underrated?

The PH launch can help in many ways: 🥇 When you win the game, you have more credibility. 💰 You can have more exposure, awareness and first-paid customers. 🔗 You can build backlinks over there. On the other hand, many of us were disappointed because: 🙁 You prepared so hard but weren't featured. ⬇️ Overwhelmed by competition that didn't have to use honest methods. In general, how do you perceive the PH launch? Does the preparation overweigh the outcome or vice versa? Is it worth it?

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Sarah Mooney
I feel like launching has become so much more stressful.
I think that people tend to have a biased vision of the benefits of PH launches nowadays. And often expect to have a huge boost in sign ups and new paid customers upon launch. But like you say it's more about visibility, credibility I have seen makers deceived by the results because they didn't get a significant bump in revenue and customers. But didn't leverage all the exposure they had upon launch, the feedback they had to improve their product, or the credibility to reach out to other media and keep the momentum going. PH launch shouldn't be seen as an end goal, but as a milestone to grow your product
Tymek Zapała
@toni_pm @busmark_w_nika Totally agree! Are you active on other places like ProductHunt that serves similiar purpose - build visibility and credibility?
@busmark_w_nika i know right ?! 😅 Like I tell everyone who comes to me for advisory : launch is actually where it begins !!! (even though you're exhausted from all the preparation ihihhihi)
@busmark_w_nika @tymzap to keep momentum going, you can submit your tool to app directories to get visibility et credibility longer. And of course social media
Christoph Dyllick-Brenzinger
The popularity of Product Hunt is well-deserved. Product Hunt helps promote your new and unknown product to an enthusiastic community. That’s the positive perspective! From a neutral standpoint, Product Hunt needs to generate revenue. Running such a platform isn’t free, and currently, I haven't noticed any advertisements on the website itself (beside from their own promotion ads) However, from a negative viewpoint, Product Hunt must be cautious not to become a platform where products that pay the most money, either to well-established hunters or through special promotion ads provided by Product Hunt, are the ones that get rewarded with "Product of the Day." I will launch in a few days, and I’ve decided not to buy any "help" from either side. I am quite active on LinkedIn and Product Hunt, and I have also informed all my current customers to support me on launch day, July 15th. Let's see how far I can get... Wish me luck!
Muzammil Merchant
I am currently preparing for my first PH launch, hoping to be on the successful end myself 😅
@muzammil_22 looking forward to seeing what your product is
Arthur Leclercq
Launching on next Tuesday, I'll be able to answer in a week!!!!
Paulina Hryniewicz
Honestly, I am conflicted on it. Sometimes I think there are more launchers on PH than actual people just looking for new products. Obviously sometimes one person can be both, but let's be honest, we're all just fighting for that badge :D
I’ve been reading through this discussion and for me, yet to launch my first product it’s mixed feelings. I hope to launch soon (end July) What would be the best things I can do to “prepare” as people have been mentioning above. I of course would like to get the most visibility possible. My product is a productivity system to help people become more productive, organised and achieve goals without the burnout and stress. So for me my biggest goal is to help as many people do exactly that. Any tips or help would be so appreciated. Thank you 🙏
@busmark_w_nika thanks very much. Any tips on what productivity groups I should target?
Sequoia One
It is obviously urgent to improve the visibility of your app in the app store. My suggestion is not to use, because the service of this website is completely free.
Sequoia One
@busmark_w_nika Trust me, you will try, aso determines whether you can reach the height you want, I am an expert in this field
Sequoia One
@busmark_w_nika This is my work email: You are welcome to discuss ASO at any time.
Michael Pell
It takes time to understand the platform and to invest in it It's not once and done - I believe, you'll only really get anything from PH once you spend some time here and invest in it For instance, I launched 4 days ago yet I still keep getting some traffic
Michael Pell
@busmark_w_nika early stage - have a few users/customers but just at the very beginning of the customer acquisition journey
Andreas Sohns
It really depends. Successful PH launch can boost credibility and exposure but it takes a lot of effort and isn't always guaranteed.
Steffi Nicolaïdes
I really think it's now inevitable to launch on ProductHunt! I'm planning my own on september (is it a good month though on ProductHunt?)
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Although I am still trying to find my way around the app but i think it's more about the feedback than the actual launch and that's definitely worth it for the growth. I am going to be launching soon but before that I hope I get constructive feedback so that I can improve :)
@busmark_w_nika so currently i am planning for 14th , but i want to get some users before my launch and clean my app as much as possible
Salar Davari
Could say both. Some are overrated and others are underrated. I wish there was some sort of limit in how many products one can upvote in one day. That way I guess, we would see a fairer standing of the products at the end of the day.
CY Zhou
Product Hunt launches can be a game-changer if executed well, offering significant visibility and user feedback. However, without a solid strategy, they can easily be overrated and fail to deliver long-term value.
Tymek Zapała
I'm looking forward to my first launch and what it brings to my product. I try to not be overly optimistic about it. I like the platform in general - I like the daily dose of inspiration when browsing launching products, I like the brainstorming on discussions. So even if it won't affect my product greatly the launch will be worth it for me :)
Daniel Zaitzow
Launching soon!
Overrated if you're looking for them to translate into sales but underrated if you're just looking for increased visibility / another marketing avenue.
I believe the launch can be either overrate and underrated depending on you. Why is that? To be honest, the rest of the world won't care. The audience is mostly made of other startups, so unless your product is actually aimed at startup owners, your launch there will a good practice run, but essentially meaningless.
Bilal Chohan
I will only be able to make my decision whether PH is overrated or underrated once I launch my company here!
Charlotte Allen
From my experience, the effort you put into a PH launch can definitely pay off, but only if you have a solid post-launch plan.