I haven't launched yet, but I've been engaging with the PH community before I do. I think it's important to understand the landscape, the people, and what you're asking for instead of just going in blind. Plus, you might get good ideas to implement for your own launch later!
(PS, I have to shill the early access waitlist for my app: https://kali.day/)
I love the PH platform for learning but I never get much reciprocation for all the engagement I make on the platform. Maybe it's easier to network on LinkedIn after you discover people on here.
@vitorseabra we both see product hunt as important when it comes to expansion. I started my app in the US and Canada, but decided to launch on PH now that the app is available in more countries.
Either way, ask yourself who your target audience is.
Spend some time here, and you will quickly determine if they hang out here.
Also, check this post to see 1st hand experience of PH launch: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/up...
@denis_tl a number of my customers are small dev teams, so far this seems like a good place to find them.
For whatever reason, that link doesn't seem to go anywhere.