Martina Hackbartt

People with multiple projects: how do you manage your schedule?

Hey, hunters! Many of us have a job + a side hustle and extra projects such as studies, hobbies, and more. How do you plan your day/week to ensure you are covering everything?

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Deniz Can Ilgın
delegating them has always worked for me.
Ajay Yadav
Well, I manage a job, college, and a side project. Honestly, I am still figuring it out.
Sandra Djajic
Ivly Lee Method did wonders for me. Try it out!
Bronson Taylor
I use the BLITZ method. It's something I came up with that helps me map out my weekly tasks by project and by goal. It's an acronym: B- Brave Goals L - Laser Meetings I - Important Projects T - Task Lists Z - Zero Excuses If you're interested in learning more: