Paul Mit

Our product started with PH 7 years ago 🤯 and we are launching again 🎉


Hey PH community! We are grateful to all builders, makers, and #buildinpublic community, cause 7 years ago, in October 2017 we have sarted FlowMapp here on Product Hunt. It's been a long time since then... From 0 to 320,000 users! And great companies among our clients: IBM, Intel, Tesla, Accenture, Electronic Arts, MIT, Harvard, and many many more. And we are launching our updated platform today 🎉 Me and team a very excited! I'd be happy if you'd support us 🙏 Yahooooooo 🥳

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Pete Tran
Website looks soo clean! What are the odds it was planned out using Flowmapp? :))
Roman Gordy
We love Flowmapp's cost estimation feature. I call it an "Ah, ok.." feature, as this I hear from the CFO regularly when the project is presented with the estimation.
Nick Belov
@arbonum that's some golden feature naming right here!
Nick Belov
The 3.0 version looks absolutely lovely! Just look at them multiple connections 🥲
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
Congrats on the launch! The interface design looks beautifully simple
Ivan Ilin
Launching soon!
That's a path, Paul! @mituhin Congrats on staying on track and delivering what people love!
Elena Tsemirava
Oh, wow! Good luck 🍀