Jupitrr is close to launch this week as I was reading some blogs and tips for final prep to make sure we did all the things we could. Feels like I can also value this to share what we did and what we didn't do:
And we will soon know does it work or not! (Wish us luck!)
Final Checklist:
1. E2E Testing on our product website - make sure it is not buggy
2. Add Tracking to our site - See how our funnel performs and traffic demographics
3. Intro video + Graphic - presentation is everything!
4. Engage with the community - brings value and let people know you!
5. Mental Prep! - Launching might be overwhelming, be grateful!
Things we plan not to do:
1. Cold message everyone on Internet - Rank is not everything
2. Ship Page - We feel like we're not the best use case for it
3. Finding a Hunter - we tried for a bit but we decided not.
4. All-nighter with STRESS - Launch is one of the milestones in maker's process. But no need to stress about as "the only bad workout is no workout" mentality!
**Any last tips for us? Or anyone wanna take a beep of our product? Hit me upppp!**