
On PH Launch Day : what was your biggest unexpected challenge ?


Launch Day is exciting and intense. But things often don’t go as planned. What challenges that you hadn’t anticipated did you face ?

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Royce Wong
For me is blocking out the time to manage and answer all the questions. Making sure you're taking the time to respond in a genuine way. But sometimes it's filtering out the ones where you know is asked purely for personal gains like an upvote on their launch or otherwise a way to sell their service. I feel like it's something you can't get away from.
Kate Ramakaieva
Be everywhere and answer everyone, no sleep, eat or stand up from your PC 😂
@kate_ramakaieva 😅 yeah, it's a rough day ! better get some sleep the day before ! and lots of caffeine
Not PH experience, but a big Launch Day from the past: You will spend more time answering questions and managing people who want to reach out. The good thing is, it usually means the Launch is successful.
Hibba Shahid
Some unexpected challenges I’ve faced include last-minute strategy changes and coordination hiccups with the team.
@hibba_shahid ouch, those are tough ones to tackle ! Did you manage to overcome them and avoid impacting your launch ?
You know, it's actually a blessing when people are curious or ask questions on launch day. Our biggest unexpected challenge came during our first product launch. We didn't quite grasp how Product Hunt worked, so we didn't get much attention, which was tough for the team. But every setback is a chance to learn and grow, and I'm grateful to have such fantastic partners. After a bit of a down period, we regrouped, tried new strategies, and got familiar with Product Hunt's ins and outs to better prepare for next time. We've bounced back from that low point, and I'm feeling optimistic about the future! I also want to wish success to all the other startup teams out there on their launch days—keep pushing forward with confidence!
V. Annapurna
We were not under featured section
@annapurna_ ouch, that hurts. How did you overcome that ? Did you manage to make a successful launch though ?
Martin Maričák
Notion launching a product with paid advertisement. Same day, same category. 🤦‍♂️ 😅
1. Large teams launching their products on the same day as mine. 2. Vote-buying activities.