Ayush Jangra ✦

My founder cheat sheet. What's yours?

My founder cheat sheet: → Embrace the pivot. → Enjoy the journey. → Take care of your mental health. → Don’t give up too soon (if at all). → Celebrate small wins along with big ones! → Get profitable sooner. → Hire those who are smarter than you. → Pick the right cofounder. → Prioritize product design. → Talk more to customers. What else you would add? Let me know in the comments 👇

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Oktorika Mandasari
I would add: Networking 🤝 Focus on the problem not the solution 🔍 Be adaptable 💡 Be persistent 🛠️ Keep learning 📚 Overall, a successful founder must be adaptable, persistent, and always learning
Ayush Jangra ✦
@oktorika_mandasari Loved "Be adaptable". If you're not willing to change and grow, then you'll never be able to adapt to new situations and challenges. Another thing that's really important is being open-minded. You have to be able to listen to other people's ideas, even if they're different from your own. And when there are disagreements, you have to be able to come up with a compromise that works for everyone involved.