Any time there's less distractions; less people reaching out, less scheduled items. That's largely late in the night. It may or may not have to do with being a night owl, too.
I find myself doing different things at different hours of the day but most of my creativity and new ideas spark late at night when there are no distractions and everyone is sleeping. In the morning I am still thinking about going to the gym, what I will eat for lunch and who I need to call back.
In fact, I think it's super individual, for example, I start working in the afternoon, I do not know why, it happened that way :)
And by the way, I do not like to particularly PR my product in the comments. Our product helps you to manage your productivity, you can also use the program to track the trend of what time you work well.
@sonic_digitech 100% Agree - when its late there is 1st of all less to do, less possibility of someone calling you - you are most likely done with your meals for the day. Its just you, your work and silence.
I try to make sure I have at least 6 hours to sleep and nothing to do early AM when I work late hours
I found myself most focused in the evening between 5 PM to 7 PM, this is my best productive time, as I do not find myself lazy in this time period and do things faster and actively.
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