Patryk Pijanowski

Lower productivity on Mondays. Fact or myth?

In my case it very much depends on the week once I and my employees are mega productive, and once we are totally unable to complete anything. I am curious about your feelings!

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Daniel Burns
Although it can vary based on the Monday and other factors, I generally find the idea of "Monday blues" to be a myth for me. I typically recharge over the weekend, which helps me start the week with good energy. Funnily enough, I tend to experience lower productivity on Fridays, possibly because it's the end of the week.
❉ Ksenia
Brian Perez
For me , the start of the week is always a bit of a struggle. I think it’s because I’m trying to get back into work mode after some downtime .
Luka Brzin
For me it's a myth. I love mondays and I'm always the most productive on monday. I guess this depends on a few factors though: 1. what you did during the weekend 2. mental health 3. if you love your job (what you do) 4. environment (coworkers, friends, family, ...) 5. overall health (are you overweight, have high pressure, etc.) 6. internal and external motivation
I think it also depends how you assess different time horizons. My Monday's are typically quite meeting heavy. On the surface this can feel unproductive in a sense that I'm not making as much progress in my individual work. But, generally without the meetings the long-term productivity of the team toward larger initiatives and product launches would be less efficient because we're not resolving friction and course correcting.
For me, it’s a bit of both. Some Mondays, I’m on fire; other times, it’s a struggle to get started.
Quico Benford
We experience the same. Some Mondays are super productive, but othher times, it feels like we’re dragging.
Gabriel Silas
Mondays are hit or miss for me. If I’ve planned my week ahead, I can jump right in, but if I haven’t, it can be hard to get started.
Jonathan Prime
I think it’s more of a myth for me. I actually feel refreshed after the weekend and ready to dive into the week, so Mondays are usually pretty productive.
Two Heads
Definitely a myth. Monday’s are my favorite days. It helps me get extra focus at the beginning of a new, fresh week full of new opportunities.
Greffin Dony
It seems like Mondays might be less productive, especially after a break. Teams often need time to adjust and catch up on tasks.