Looking for a new product name

Hey guys, Initially, Finclout (https://finclout.io) started as "Thesis" . After some discussions with potential customers we came to the conclusion that Thesis is way too generic and also rhymes with feces. Then we partnered up with BitClout (now DeSo). At this point in time we figured it might be worthwhile to be connected not only by heart but also by name to that project and we renamed it to "Finclout". After now operating as Finclout since February '22 we start to hate the name. While in spirit it describes the product well, the name does not generate any emotion toward the product. How do you go about finding branding your product?

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Krishna Kumar
Interesting problem this. But, why do you hate the name? Let us try a few routes - What is it? Financial social network for investments -- finsocial.io --investorsocial.co What is the USP of the product? One I could find - Invest better -- investbetter.me Another USP? Investment news in context --investnews.me What does it do? Social investment --invest.social You could keep iterating till you get a good one Or you could do names that are not contextual or remotely social All the best
@kkumarkg Thanks. That helps a lot. The USP is that every investor gets better information and can monetize their insights on the platform.
Software Guy (Aarvy)
Hi, your product seems interesting. I would suggest a name- "Lamato" for your product. and, I can also help you to scale your product by writing a detailed review of your product on my blog. If you're interested, please connect with me at- thesoftwareguy1994 at gmail.com with your name and product name as the subject.
Try something fun if you don't want to work with boring guys :) To be honest, I even have no clue what you guys do (based on the info on your website)
@haserk Thank you for that. Maybe the new wording is a bit clearer. Insights that pay! A next generation ad-free place to earn real money for creating, moderating, and sharing investment insights