Ido Lavi

Launching a Side Hustle

Hey PH! I've been planning on launching a side hustle for the past few months. I already identified ideas that I'm interested to work on and broken them down into steps, but I'm having a hard time finding the time to actually work on them (a lot is happening at Amy right now!). How do you manage your time between work and your side gigs? Any tips for effective planning and execution?

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Bart Gagelmans
I make a 3 month plan: what do I want to achieve in 3 months? Then work back to weekly/daily goals, so I also keep a daily planner in a google spreadsheet. This way I also keep myself accountable. I also use Trello to keep a nice overview of the project. I have tried different setups for Trello, but nowadays I always start out with 7 basic lists (for each project): About Ideas & Concepts Exploring Next up In Progress Done! (Feels so goooood!) Leaving it for now
Rachel Levitz
Setting time aside early on in the day - this way you ensure to get the side gig tasks done and have time to work on the awesome activity at Amy!
Reuben Carter
I sacrifice all my free time 😂
I like to just dive into things and organize them later. I often over-organized things in order to keep everything under control. But that just wastes precious time. You're (probably) good at organizing, so worry about it later, when you actually have something to organize. If you can't find time, maybe it's not yet the moment to start a side hustle. Don't lose focus if your main act is working out well.
Dafni Chontou
A few things that help me with juggling many tasks: • 1-2 days/ week with no meetings at all. It does wonders for my productivity. We've set up async standups in the team and I'll rarely set up a call on that day • Experiment on what is the ideal time to focus on your side gig: for many it's early in the morning but others prefer to do it in the evening or during the day. • Dedicated time to plan and reflect I pick a Highlight first thing in the morning, inspired by the book Make Time. At the end of the day, I reflect on what happened/ my energy/ what else can I try. It takes no more than 10 mins and helps me to understand how I like to work.