Harald Frank

Launching 😱


What are your biggest headaches, pains or challenges when you launch something new - a product, a startup, a newsletter, a podcast, an event...?

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Harald Frank
For me it's getting noticed in this crowded world.
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, launching something new? It's like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle, right? The biggest headaches usually come from unforeseen issues, like technical glitches or marketing hiccups. On the bright side, it’s a thrill—kind of like finding 'Her Ideal Match,' where we use data science to perfect your dating profile. Because who doesn't love a smooth start?
Ben Syverson
For me it's the list of things I "should" do to prep for the launch. 😅 All the tiny details that each take 10X longer than you expect, and are arguably not in the critical path. I don't consider myself a perfectionist, but it's always hard to make the call on what MUST be ready for launch versus what can be iterated or added over time. How about you @haribelafonte07?