Ksenija Luškina

Is it even worth enter to university if you decide to become a programmer?

Lately, I've come across a lot of the opinion that if you're a good and talented programmer, you don't need a school or a university... Learn to write code and this is your future... Do you think education is losing its value?

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Aliaksandr Kandratsiuk
University is not only about coding, this is new experience, new people and big concentration of different kind of knowledge.
Ksenija Luškina
@xander_off I also believe that this is an experience that you can only get now when you are young.
Leyla Aliyeva
University will give you a strong background in many fields, most of them only slightly related to computer science. You will have a lot of physics and math background. This is always a good thing. However university is time and money consuming.
Ksenija Luškina
@leyla_aliyeva1 In our country, higher education is free, this is a huge bonus .. waste of time .. I agree
Rich Watson
Think it depends what you plan on doing. Most startups don't care about degrees, more so about talent and work ethic. Elon Musk mentioned you don't need a degree to work at SpaceX. Can't remember, but does Google not care either?
Ksenija Luškina
@richw I agree, because it's better to have an education than not to have one... but this raises the question of wasting time, because you can spend it on something that you really like...
It depends a lot on what your plans are in general because there are many who think they don't need college and then don't find a job, if you are sure you won't need college (to do anything other than programming) then it's useless, but if you think that one day you will want to change your job then I recommend you to do it, I, for example, do biology college and for that, I use this service https://eduzaurus.com/free-essay... which helps me a lot with homework, like writing an essay about climate change - here I can basically find everything I would need to write an essay, usually something good there you won't learn if you like to develop and learn independently. If it's 0 in programming then I recommend you at least give it a try, you'll have a good base to start from.
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Terry Samples
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