Danny Kouba

If you could start your career over, what would you do differently?

What would you do differently or focus on if you could start your career all over again? Personally, I would focus more on understanding and learning different programming languages.

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Michael Flux
Plenty more networking. Far more important who you know than what you know. You look around and people with fractions of the capabilities are landing incredibly lucrative positions and producing sub mediocre results yet keep failing up, for no reason other than being on a close friends basis with influential people in a given network. I don't say that in any bitter or jealous way - but rather countless times over the years seeing some people work incredibly hard, and be incredibly skilled, yet still being lapped time and time again by people who were just better connected.
Gladys Atienza
Probably more upskill training and taking all the chances that came my way.
Ghost Kitty
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Ameet Patel
Master the art of self-promotion. Everyone I know who has smashed it in their career has been great at selling themselves - sometimes justified, sometimes not!!
Shon Paunan
I would've followed my heart and take a different course in college
Naruto Asao
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