Sveta Bay

I went from 0 to 13K Followers on Twitter in 10 months. Here's how 👀


1. Growth from 0 to 100 followers I connected with people (in DM) who did the same things as me at that time. As a result, we engaged with each other content. More engagement → more impressions → more new connections. Also, I added some boosters for a smooth start: active hashtags, tagged tools, and used visual content. If I should start from the beginning once again, I’d do the same. 2. Growth from 100 to 1K followers I stayed consistent. Tweeted 1-2 times daily, replied 10-20 times daily, connected with new people, and experimented with new content formats. Yes, it takes time. What helped? Buildinpublic, Growinpublic, and Learninpublic content. You don’t need to be a content farm providing educational content 24/7. 3. Growth from 1K to 5K followers I continued being consistent and engaging with followers. The only change - I switched my focus from engaging with big accounts to engaging in my account. 4. Growth from 5K to 13K followers Experiments, experiments, and one more time experiments. At this point, you need to stand out from the accounts in the same niche. The good decision is to add some personal content about your lifestyle, traveling, etc., so that people remember you. Growing your personal brand gives you a lot of opportunities. So, start small, find your audience, experiment, double down on what works, and most importantly - have fun. P.S. I deconstructed my growth from the very beginning in a Notion file. Tips, secrets, and real examples with self-reflection. You can get it for Free ➡️

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Amazing, I’m currently in the 100 to 1k phase and it does take time indeed. I’m currently growing 5 followers per day in average to hopefully I’ll get to 1k soon.
Charlie Kor
Thank you for sharing your experience! At every stage, Engagement is a common theme. In the end, regardless of the size of the account, engagement seems to be key.
Morgan Kung
@charlie_lee1 I agree. After I started spending about two hours a day engaging, I see a noticeable increase in followers.
Vlad Zivkovic
What about the engagement? Can you share any insights on those?
Gajendra Singh Rathore
@vladimir_zivkovic It'll depend on the content and what people ask/comment, replying and asking what they like using polls or something I guess.
Sveta Bay
@vladimir_zivkovic engagement is important, for sure. You should always reply on comment to your posts as it boosts engagement. Also, while growing to 5K it's better to engage with accounts in the same niche (10-20 comments daily)
Marco Elizalde
Thank you for sharing Sveta
Nuno Reis
Really interesting, from 0 to 100 how many times would you say you tweeted and commented? And thanks for sharing, great newsletter btw
Tanzirul Huda
Congratulations on your impressive journey! Well done on achieving this feat.
Thanks for sharing!
Lydia Wang
Thanks for sharing! I'm curious about the contents of your daily tweets? I think there must be something helpful for your followers so that they are willing to follow. So, for you, what's the helpful information that you offer them?
Sveta Bay
@lydiawang 1. marketing tips 2. building audience 3. sharing updates and learnings on my entrepreneurship journey
Atharva Bondre
Thank you for sharing your experience!
Sharath Kuruganty
This is so cool. Appreciate the breakdown. Curious, how are you thinking of going from 13k and beyond?
John Koo
Those tips are very helpful. Thank you. Was just wondering what process on Twitter was most difficult and demanding?
Nisa Meray
Thank you for the tips!
Vikram Sahu ꩜
@basv This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Don't you think there should be a bookmark feature for discussions? It will help us save a lot more similar interactions.
Hiya Chaplot
Truly valuable! Curious: Did you ever feel like your content got repetitive? or content block hit you?
Mariano Morera
Do you think this can be replicable in other social networks such as linkedin?
Launching soon!
Thank you for sharing your experience, It will be very helpful to us
Max Holub
great advice! use some of it already, as my colleague and marketing specialist are subscribers :D
It was just the topic I was pondering on. Thank you!
Richard Gao
Very impressive! I've been working on growing for 4 months now and only at 646. Should really follow more of this