Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems

I've reached a 450-day streak! Happy 2024 🔥

Recently hit a 450-day streak on Product Hunt. Jeez. Time does go by fast, doesn't it? Happy New Year to all!

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Nikki Závadská
Oh wow! Congrats!!
Shivam Aggarwal
Anna Jack
Congratulations! Happy New year
Freaking awesome!! Wow. 450k. Looking forward to when you hit 500! Happy new year Bren!
Louis Wong
Rajesh Bhimani
Lokesh Joshi
Congratulations Bren
Launching soon!
You are truly a role model. I have been following you in many places, paying my respects and learning from you!
Blakely Guzman
Happy New Year and congrats on the time-warping streak!
Nishkarsh Srivastava
that’s awesome!
Alyssa Phillips
Oh that's great
Synergy Waverider
I’ve made it to 29
Uche Maxwell
Ghost Kitty
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Kirill Grebenjukov
Wow, you are the rock!
Anastasia Liamets
Congrats!! 🤘🏼✨
Gianluca Cinellu
Awesome stuff man!
Shabnam Katoch
you are GOAT man
Nitin Joshi
congratulations bren
Nithin Raju
Congratulations ❤️