Ghost Kitty

I reached 33K followers on LinkedIn. 0 outbound, ads, and hacks. Here's how:

Here's how: 1/ Define your positioning. Who is your target audience? What's your main goal on LinkedIn? 2/ Optimize your profile. My free profile checklist: 3/ Send connection requests without pitches. Accept connection requests. 4/ Comment on others' content (!!!). VERY important. 5/ Post content. If your current posts don't get enough attention, do #1-4 and try to change the format of your posts. Try practical content, free templates, infographics, or entertaining content. Only "building in public" content doesn't work. Try to mix different types of content. 6/ Respond to thoughtful DMs. 7/ In the beginning, all your focus should be on LinkedIn. Then, you can create intersections between other channels. - If you already have an audience on X, invite them to connect with you on LinkedIn. - Share your link on Product Hunt/other channels. - Visit podcasts and mention that you're active on LinkedIn.

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Ahaan. I am soon going to start building a community on LinkedIn. I guess that's a pre-requisite these days. Btw, we are live today. Please support :)
Syed Muhmmad Fahad Zaidi
Impressive growth! Your LinkedIn strategy of authentic engagement and varied content is on point. Keep it going!
Abi P
Congratulations, Olena! I remember how you were prepping for the launch of The LinkedIn Inbound Playbook when we were launching last year. It's nice to see you've grown much more since then. Cheers :D
This helps a lot Olena! By the way, can I get the profile checklist? Thanks!
Poul merry
Really helpful thanks Olena
Nataliya Trotsenko
Wow! Amazing Thank you for great tips!
Hossein Yazdi
Comment on others' content is even helpful on Twitter, very essential. You'll gradually see getting followers from nowhere! Thanks for the share Olena, very valuable!
@olenabomko insightful!
Kshetez Vinayak
yes. i am planning to launch in june and growing my LinkedIn just work that. your tips came right on time. thanks for that. btw lets connect on LinkedIn. i might get to learn more from you
Vitor Seabra
I didn't get 33k followers yet, but got 6.3k and I don't have anything else to point Olena's tips! They just work
Jake Tital
Its because you're a rockstar Olena :)
Anton Gera
super useful, thanks!
Annie Luu
Interesting Olena! Wow! What time period did you obtain the 33K followers?
Mark Lemuel M
Thanks for the tip! Going to 1k now!
Thank you for the bullet points, LinkedIn is usually a good fit for most audience reach out, especially if your product is B2B. I was wondering about your stance regarding Comments (4th point). Do you think it is always better to comment as your personal account, or do you believe there is merit in commenting as company/product page?
Peter Hansen
Brilliant tips, thanks, Olena!
It's helpful for me! Thanks Olena!
Amelia Miller
Thanks for the detailed breakdown! I'd love to get my hands on that free profile checklist. Could you share it here?
Luka Brzin
I follow you one LinkedIn. Very good content over there!
Huxley Jay
We have been making a few points here and also missing some points at the same time. Thanks for the useful tips, our team will update them in the action list!