Rosie Sherry

I’m Rosie Sherry, I build communities and I'm the founder of Rosieland. AMA 🔥


I’m Rosie Sherry and I’ve been building communities for quite some time! I’m here to answer anything and everything I can about community building. Here are some of the things I’ve done: - I started back in 2006 with a local Girl Geek Dinner Meetup - I founded Ministry of Testing, an indie, 7 figure revenue and profitable community of practice for software testers. I handed this community over for someone else to run (I did not sell it). - I led the community at Indie Hackers for a couple of years - I started Indiependent, a small community for indie founders where people get kicked for inactivity - I’ve been writing about community at Rosieland (covering community growth, flywheels, Minimum Viable Communities, Community Discovery, and much more!) - I breathe, eat, sleep community Ask me anything about community, I can cover things like: - Tools to use, or not - Community on a budget - Community as a business - Minimum Viable Communities - Community Discovery - Community Growth & Flywheels - Building a sustainable community - Community trends - Why so many people are getting community wrong! I'll be answering questions on the 7th of September!

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Aaron O'Leary
Hi Rosie! Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA, my question is do you have any go-to tools you use when building a new community from scratch?
Rosie Sherry
@aaronoleary My community tech stack for Rosieland: - Discourse - Ghost - Slack - Waves ( - - Whereby - Savannah ( There's other community tech stacks here:
Hey Rosie, my question is: so many communities seem to either end up as ghost towns, spam forums, or super busy chaos that eventually makes them just dumping grounds for content. There are great outliers like reddit, or indiehackers (at times...though that tends to oscillate between states), what would you say are the top 3 things the best communities do that others don't?
Rosie Sherry
@codefreechris 1. create their own influencers: stop relying on big names to get traction, build people within 2. focus on outcomes rather than vanity metrics: the more you change people's lives, the more they will come back 3. understand that communities are forever evolving: what works now, might not work in the near future (but also, don't give up too easily and understand that many things take time to work).
Rob Hanna
Hi Rosie, Have you built communities in real life (IRL), ones that meet together in shared physical space, and if so: 1. What's different about building IRL communities vs online communities; and what's the same? 2. What tools, techniques, resources do you find very helpful for building IRL communities? Thanks! Rob
Rosie Sherry
@robhanna 1. What's different about building IRL communities vs online communities; and what's the same? Nothing beats IRL. It's amazing and creates connections, relationships and friends for life. In a way that online can't. But online is great for other things. And it's not that you can't create connection, it's just different. You don't have to have both, but it's amazing when it does happen. I also think that online can really enhance IRL, not by doing hybrid-events, but by connecting people before hand and as a consequence making the experience irl much better/deeper/meaningful. 2. What tools, techniques, resources do you find very helpful for building IRL communities? Not specific techniques, but most of my efforts for IRL has gone on ensuring that everyone has a great experience. That everyone feels included and seen. It's sadly amazing how many people go unseen at events when usually people do want to connect, it can just be difficult to know how. I've done a few local meetups and conferences (as part of an online community). Often online and irl end up merging to some extent and we should find better ways to help people connect offline through our online tools. Going to irl events can actually be quite scary and intimidating if you don't know anyone, I've often come away not speaking to anyone at various meetups I've attended. That's the worst. Helping people to get to know each other before an event, or sharing an attendee list of some sort before hand, encouraging people to buddy up, etc. Are all potentially beneficial things to do. When I did conferences, we made it a thing (and constantly communicated the fact) that we shouldn't leave people standing alone, that we are all responsible for checking in on people and helping them through the experience. It made a big difference to the community vibe.
Andy Sorensen
@robhanna @rosiesherry Hi. I am new here. I would love your comments on our proposition. It is based on one hour long, small 8 to 12 person IRL events that have a host present to break the ice (single people algo matched and invited to pubs and restaurants.) We launch in about 3 to 5 weeks. getgather app is the ugly info website I put up (Help Wanted LOL!)
Rob Hanna
@andy_sorensen do you have a link?
Andy Sorensen
@robhanna Hello Rob. Our (soon to be updated) information website is at : Thanks for your interest.
Mike Staub
Hi Rosie. What trends are you excited about in the community space? New tools, platforms, norms, techniques, etc
Rosie Sherry
@mikestaub Honestly, I'm mostly disappointed. 😢 The deeper I dive into community the more problems I see that need to be solved. I really want people to step up. Most of the tools out there are not doing it for me and it's still too hard to do things that should be easy. On the plus side, there's plenty of room for innovation. I love the creator economy, but I also feel it's a bit too influence-y and most of these communities really serve themselves first. It's a bit of a nuance of what community is and isn't, the lines are definitely blurred, and that's ok. I detest the web3 world (sorry) and I feel it was a huge distraction and theft of what community actually is or could be. I'm a big fan of custom built communities (like PH and Indie Hackers) and hope to see more of these appear in the future.
Mike Staub
@rosiesherry I agree with you 100%. The gap between the potential and what exists is enormous and I think web3 may have corrupted the term "community" with its get-rich-quick ethos. What do you think is the biggest problem that needs to be solved if you could only solve one?
@mikestaub @rosiesherry It's not quite ready for PH but i'd love to demo what I'm working on,... It is a pure, decentralized, creator economy and meCo is designed to not be a middleman... our tagline is 'Mind your own business; we'll provide the tools'
Rosie Sherry
@mikestaub web3 definitely corrupted the community term, and honestly, I'm so upset about it, but onwards we go. The biggest problem imho is too many conversations and not taking any action on them. People are overwhelmed by it all and they are just not helpful.
Mike Staub
@rosiesherry talk is cheap and fun. Idk how to solve that problem? Action requires planning and commitment
Ash Rahman 🎮
Hello Rosie, thanks for doing the AMA. What's your view on Discord/Slack based communities?
Rosie Sherry
@ashrahman It's a debate that may never end. There is no right or wrong, though. Discord was built for gamers, it has a different vibe. Slack is more professional and tech focused. Do what you feel happy with. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Personally, I used Discord for over a year and decided I hated it. The UX, the bots, the confusing threads, the spam, urgh. I started an indie founder community (where you get kicked if you don't participate 😅) we started on Discord, but interest soon was lost and people ended up saying they hated it. We moved to Slack and conversations massively increased and have stayed way up. I also have ethical concerns about Discord, which I wrote about here: People complain about Slack losing history, but I think that lack of history brings a sense of peace to members who don't necessarily want their conversations to exist forever. There are also tools like MeetWaves ( that allow you to capture Slack conversations. In addition to the huge amount of integrations, the DMs in Slack are highly under rated. (
Ash Rahman 🎮
@rosiesherry Looks like we have a mutual feeling for discord. A great tool when gaming but nightmare for a community. Thanks for sharing insightful thoughts.
Umut Sönmez
How to start & growth a community before launching a product? What is the starting point and how to get the first 10,50,100 community members? Thank you :-)
Rosie Sherry
@umut_sonmez Question whether you actually need a community, most people won't want to join a product community. But mostly, I recommend the Minimum Viable Community way.
Alexander Isora 🦄
Hi Rosie! What would an average online community look like in 2030? Thanks 💜
Rosie Sherry
@alexanderisora Easy to spin up Out of the box tools Not 100 different services to make it work Plenty of ways to make them financially stable Not dominated by big tech
@alexanderisora @rosiesherry I have the prototype MVP built... This answers a question i was going to ask... what's missing in the current formats...?
Archisman Das
Hi Rosie, Thanks for doing this. I've a tactical question on how do you get conversations going in your community. What are the two-three key things one can do so that people joining your discord/slack start conversing
Rosie Sherry
@archisman_das all of this comes back to community discovery, the research and understanding of your people. If you are unable to start conversations then that is an indication you need to do more work on what you could talk about, what kind of conversations will help your people move forward and what you want to be known for. This does take experimentation to get right and it's never static, you'll have to change and adapt over time. I tend to ask a lot of open ended questions on things that I think people should be thinking about. Then getting people's perspectives ends up being educational for all. However, really, it shouldn't end there, what will you do with all that information? How can you promote it more? How can you turn it into other content? etc.
Akshay Thakor
Hey Rosie, thank you for this. From your experience, which one of those is a better free platform to build a community from scratch? Facebook groups, LinkedIn, or Discord?
Rosie Sherry
@asthakor51 there is no best, there is only context. Mostly, it depends where your target members tend to hang out.
Maria K
Hi Rosie! Firstly thank you for all your work in the community space 🙏I've learned so much from your work at Indiehackers and from your newsletter with Rosieland. I'd love to know how you can propose expected return from a community. Metrics once it's started is one thing, but given it's so much longer-term than other marketing methods and less 'tangible' than say paid ads I've seen a few folks wanting to build communities within their companies, but failing to make the business-case.
Rosie Sherry
@maria_kono There's many things at play here. Tools like Savannah (, Burb ( and Common Room ( make it easier to track community data. They are all new to the market and I'm sure they will evolve over time. I think data from these tools can partially help prove our worth, but we also have to be careful about not obsessing purely with the data. The more we can prove that growth, success, ideas, innovation, relationships, conversations, etc stem from community then the more people will actually see the huge benefits of community. Though I think we need to figure this out better. I feel like there is so much waste in community. So much value that happens in the relationships and conversations that goes unnoticed. The more we can work with this kind of stuff, be creative around it, find ways to collaboratively work with members and other team mates to make stuff happen, then this is where change happens. And ultimately, we want change, not necessarily vanity metrics on the number of conversations or upvotes. We have to believe in community: having to constantly justify ourselves is unhealthy for everyone. I don't think most people truly believe in community, if they did they wouldn't make it the first thing they cut. Business don't practice what they preach: and it comes across in their actions. For example, when ROI is calculated, despite community being 'people powered' all the talk is about ROI for the business and totally excluding how they give back to the people, industry and ecosystem. ( Community is not marketing: but perhaps we can massively reduced the marketing spend by focusing on community. I certainly built my business with zero ad spend and with a pure focus on helping and serving the community. It is possible, we need to create more examples of it.
Frankie Zhang
Hi Rosie. Thanks for doing this AMA! My question is do you have any experience in building community on Discord, and also make it sustainable? I've build two communities so far on Facebook and Discord respectively, yet both end up as ghost towns. So wonder what would do to warm-up the community and ensure the high engagement of it? Thanks! Frankie
Rosie Sherry
@frankie_zhang People don't understand how hard community is. Ask yourself: - why would they go back? - is it worth their time? - Is what exists inside helpful? - what are you doing to build up their habits of coming back? - how are you investing into growth? I find that a lot of communities are just not very interesting or helpful. Often they have *too much conversation and not enough action*. Conversations are key to community, but you have to find ways to make it into something more. No one wants to go to their 'local town hall' and be forever discussing things, they want outcomes and change. It's really hard. ❤️
shuaib safeer
how do I contact you ?
Rosie Sherry
@shuaib_safeer1 Twitter DM, LinkedIn, contact form on my website -
Alexander “SaN4es021” Gusev
Hi Rosie! What articles/videos/resources could you recommend for building a community from scratch? Context: I started building a community of web3 open-source contributors a week ago (website —
Rosie Sherry
@gusev honestly, there is so much on, I'd start there :)
Tanya Janca
Rosie, when there's a community that supports a business, how do you measure return on investment for the business? Especially with communities that are not vendor neutral, what metrics do you use?
Rosie Sherry
@tanya_janca I just don't think it's worth measuring ROI. I'm still developing thoughts around this, but it feels so unhealthy, you just can't measure community effectively. I feel disheartened by it all. It's probably better to focus on the positive outcomes that the community creates and to not let marketing/sales take all the credit for the community work that has been done. To get better at this I think community people need to get better at showing their work. Taking credit where credit is due. The positive feedback. The (word of mouth) recommendations. The back channel conversations. The inbound SEO. The innovation. The research we do and pass back to the company. Marketing would kill for the insights community can get. And community. needs to get better at passing back those insights to those that matter.
Hi Rosie! - What are one of the most common mistakes you can make when building a community from the ground-up? Thanks a lot!
Rosie Sherry
@0xblackbird Focusing on conversations and not enough action. Thinking you need a 'community tool' to have a community Being too transactional in your behaviour. Not doing your research. Do your research!
Hey Rosie, Thanks for doing an AMA session. Few questions for you: 1. How to engage the community without being noisy? Esp when the community is made up of professionals like founders & CEOs? 2. Any tools you recommend for good community engagement? 3. How do you manage hours to shut down PC and mobile notification as a community manager esp when it is a global community? Thanks again. Looking forward to your answers.
Rosie Sherry
@vivek_vardhan 1. How to engage the community without being noisy? Esp when the community is made up of professionals like founders & CEOs? Don't be noisy? Focus on being relevant. Saving them time. Bring them new insights and different perspectives. Help them achieve what they want to achieve. 2. Any tools you recommend for good community engagement? Honestly, good conversation and community discovery. There are no tools for this, only your mind and creativity. 3. How do you manage hours to shut down PC and mobile notification as a community manager esp when it is a global community? Create boundaries and live by them. We all need them. Community builders are so prone to burnout because of this. We have to get better at creating boundaries. And honestly, your members will appreciate and understand. Fast responses are not necessarily better ones.
Hi Rosie, If you were starting a community today (for a non-tech audience of 50/50 English and English as second language speakers) what platform would you choose and why?
Rosie Sherry
@simon_s_j I honestly struggle with questions like this. It feels like too much to bite off in one chunk. Partly the language thing is so complex 🤯 Another part is that I don't have direct experience with different language communities. I'm sure there are (enterprise) tools out there that cater for this (and likely cost a lot of money), but that's not something I directly know about. Another part is that I'm a sucker for the Minimum Viable Community approach. I've only ever been able to build community slowly, tackling one thing at a time, and often these things don't actually rely on a 'community tool', it's more about figuring out what people want. I'd go where your people are, embrace conversations that are happening, start something low risk, don't assume you know what they want and aim to build with their input.
Bethanavel Kuppusamy
Hi Rosie, I am building an anonymous community of entrepreneurs ( to enable honest and open discussions about VCs, hiring, and business problems. I would love to listen to your take on how different it is to grow an anonymous community compared to a non-anonymous one, given the dynamics will fundamentally be different. For e.g., in our community, networking might not happen among the members but they find value in having open discussions.
Rosie Sherry
@bethanavel I love this. I'd definitely go there and rant about tech bro and lack of diversity anonymously, I'm too scared to share my thoughts and experiences openly. 😅 Facebook groups has an anonymous feature and I've seen it work really well. It's scary talking real. People like to think we can be open, but often we can't. There is often a lot at risk, or we need that confidence to find ways to talk about things. Especially as a woman in tech, often I think it's all in my head (when it's not really, it's the self doubt creeping in). Personally, I'd embrace the fact that it is anonymous and the strengths that it gives you. Also to be frank, people are probably tired of networking these days. We're tired and have had too much of it and they are so hit and miss with value. The power of anonymity is that you could potentially have many interesting and spicy stories to share. I'd personally look at tapping into that and see how you can share them to a wider audience.
Dany Chepenko
Hi Rosie, What's your suggestion for running cross-language communities?
Rosie Sherry
@daniel_chepenko I don't have any direct experience with this unfortunately. It sounds complicated, and I guess I would question the value of it, or perhaps find smaller scale experiments before committing to full scale cross-language community. You'd need moderation for each language (for example) 🤯 It's hard to comment further without further context, but as a mindset I think as community builders we need to ensure we provide great value for money. We should question our actions/projects accordingly.