When you understand that it doesnt matter if you fail and that life is long. You will be able to do great things! It is also wise to prioritise the things you love outside work - if your social life is great, the challenges you will face as a founder wont be so bad. Happy to chat more if you like. Good luck!
I think its best to start something as a side hustle and then see where it goes. You can validate the Idea within the comfort zone before going all in into the business.
However to overcome the fear is to start a business.
The first step is to change your mindset. Do not think of it as risk. Instead, think of it as an opportunity. Make a list of benefits that you will get out of establishing your business. It could be anything from building your own schedule to getting a flexible working hour. As long as you are passionate about it, then everything else will fall into place. Next is to pull your own resources together. Unless you have a financial support from friends or family, you will need to garner for a small startup fund yourself. You can save a handful of money each month, like $50.00 in your savings account. Once you have saved around $1000.00, then use it to kick off your business. Be smart and reasonable with your spending.
When I opened my own store, I was also afraid that I would just lose all the money I had invested. It wasn't the fear of responsibility, it was the fear that I didn't know what to do. My wife helped me overcome that fear, and a website I happened to find on the Internet. This site was with tips on how to run your business, where to start, and other useful information. I advise you to click now and go to the site to cope with this anxiety.