Salma Salcedo Martínez

How to launch the first MVP

I have been reading that there are 3 phases, one very narrow, 2 soft and 3 go to the public. But should we start, for example, in the first one doing some post in our social media networks? How are we supposed to get our first early adopter to validate the idea? I am having problems to get organics visits into my landing page or MVP video

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Nick Basile
We build MVPs to validate a solution for a problem that a given group of people is experiencing. So, to build an MVP, we must first have a group of people and they must have a problem. If we find ourselves with an MVP, but we don't know a group of people experiencing the problem it intends to solve, then we've likely built something that will be really hard to get initial users for because we don't know who to show it to for feedback. If that's the case, then it's probably a good time to go back to the drawing board and start looking for a group of people with a problem. But, let's say we have identified a given group of people and a problem they have, and we've built an MVP that solves their problem. To get our first early adopters, we should reach out to the people in that group and offer them our solution. If we know who these people are, then we can simply reach out to them where they like to hang out. Either social media, email, in-person, etc. Most people experience a baseline level of cold outreach. So, we'll probably need to incentivize them to try our MVP. This can come in the form of a personal onboarding session, free lifetime access, a big discount, etc. From here, we can ask them to introduce us to any of their friends, family, and colleagues who are having the same problem and continue to grow via referrals/word of mouth.