Julia Doronina

How to find sales managers worldwide?

We faced with the problem on how to sell our solution abroad. One of the options is to find a salesperson and pay them monthly fee. But maybe you know platforms or resources where you can find salespersons who will be ready to get only a commission on a closed deal without hiring.

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Lanre Akinyemi
Hey Julia, why not sell internationally from wherever you and your team are? Most folks are now used to working and buying async. Generally speaking, any sales person with even a slight track record will require a base and commission. The uncertainty around when pay during the ramp up period or even quieter months isn't enjoyable at all. A good middle ground is to outsource your sales to a company like Magic (https://www.producthunt.com/post...) who can connect you to sales folks for a flat fee of $10/hr. Goodluck with your hiring!
Julia Doronina
@lanre_akinyemi Thank you very much for this advice!
Steve Procter
@lanre_akinyemi Magic appear to be dead, website is down.
Alina Ihnatiuk
Hi! I recommend using the Upwork website. There are different payment methods that guarantee relationship and honesty. https://www.upwork.com/hire/sale...
Steve Procter
@antonovna hiring a sales person on Upwork for $xx per hour is a very risky strategy for an early startup.
Steve Procter
hey Julia, I just replied to your other post on this subject. Commission-only sales people is the issue as most will want a base too.