Jeet Karia

How to create traffic for a solopreneur (side project)?

How do you gather people for your product before/after the launch of it? An important thing here is to gather feedback, I have got people to sign up on the waitlist, but very few read that. How to tackle that? And those who sign up are from my close friend's circle, their feedback won't help as compared to of those who are the actual users who will be using it. So, how to reach them?

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Nihal Ahamed
I faced a similar situation 2 months before. The problem is not to create traffic but get in touch with your ICP. To do that you have to Build In Public. Because it allows you to connect with your potential prospects on platforms like X, Reddit and LinkedIn. Position yourself as the thought leader in the space and give people a reason why you're the best person to solve this problem. In my case - I have been a product marketer and have built a Knowledge base myself in the past. So I know the pain of creating help guides. To solve that I decided to build that allows me to create step-by-step guides easily. You need to always have a story to sell your product.
Jeet Karia
@nihal_ahamed1 Can you tell me a bit more about the part of creating help guides, about creating knowledge base. And about building in public, so did you marketed your posts ads on platforms, or just posting them?
Nihal Ahamed
Hey @jeet_karia Happy to answer any questions over the DM. I have just spent an experimental budget of around $10 on a thought leadership LinkedIn Ads. It's more about consistency and engaging with the community. If you consistently post on X or Reddit for 30 days and engage with the community just for an hour/day. You would have acquired good friends along with good traffic. Being Honest and Candid is what required in this AI world.