Pierre-Yves Dubreucq

How much time have you spent or are you planning to spend on Product Hunt for your launch day?

I'll launch tomorrow and I and I've read everything and its opposite...

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Coralie L.
+1 I'm also interested in the answers !
Sandra Idjoski
Honestly, for our team, it was always a whole day thing practically. Answering comments and questions on Product Hunt, answering on Intercom, sharing with all the communities, sharing on social media takes quite a bit of time.
Michael Shver
We are planning to spend the whole day on the launch, we want to reach out to as many people as possible and it will certainly take quite some time 🚀
Divine Rivers
Whats a good amount if time if we launch on Monday?
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
@divine_rivers1 I haven't received much of a response, but it seems that no matter what day it is, it takes a day :)
Divine Rivers
@pydubreucq A full day of answering questions and comments, posting on socials is a good problem to have.
Hugh Parry
Our launch is in about 2 weeks now - hopefully there's plenty of people interested and it ends up being an all day event!
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
@hugh_parry You are right ;) I hope to have this cool problem too ;) Do you have a Teaser page ? I'll follow your launch ;)
Hugh Parry
@pydubreucq Sure! Have a look here https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Gave yours a follow - interested to see how it goes :)
Ruben Boonzaaijer
for ringly.io we have been active daily for more than a month now